FreeBSD I18N Install Floppy

Tatsumi Hosokawa

Japanese Page

About FreeBSD I18N Install Floppy

We have extended Japanese FreeBSD install floppy to support the other languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian). This floppy originally has been developed with the release of FreeBSD 2.1.5-RELEASE. When 2.2-RELEASE version was released, we refined the code for multilingualization of it to easily integrated it with the English version.

This FreeBSD install floppy consists of the sysinstall utility (an installer for FreeBSD) modified by Tatsumi Hosokawa <> to internalize kon utility. Kon was the utility to display Kanji characters (and other Asian characters) on PC console, and it has been ported from Linux to NetBSD and then to FreeBSD. Also the kon utility inported into this floppy contains improvements by Ikuo Nakagawa <>.

We are using the improved version of libncurses library for user interface. This library is based on modified version for FreeBSD(98) (FreeBSD for Japanese PC-98 series) developed by Nobuyuki Koganemaru <>. Tatsumi Hosokawa <> has modified the libdialog library for dialog interface.


Added Portuguese (pt_BR) support. Almost all sysinstall messages and a part of help files have already been translated. (2001/06/12)
Thanks for Giovanni Picoli Tirloni <> !!

Screenshot of Portuguese sysinstall


Tatsumi Hosokawa

Web assistant editor by Toshihiko ARAI <>